Film Archive


Land (Film Archive)


getty abortions

getty abortions
Franzis Kabisch
German Competition Documentary Film 2023
Documentary Film
22 minutes

What images do we associate with abortion and why? Where do these images and the emotional scripts in our head come from? How do they influence women who (want to) have an abortion, how do they shape the general discussion? Franzis Kabisch’s personal desktop documentary investigates these questions with great precision, clarity and humour (yes, humour, too!).

In the process, she moves from early 2000s girls’ magazines to the late 19th century, sifts through troves of feminist knowledge and checks alleged cultural-historical facts (such as the discovery of hysteria in women) that haunt conventional wisdom to this day. At the end of the film, we have not only seen an exemplary examination of image politics and how they contributed to pushing the issue of abortion to the social sidelines and linking it with shame and guilt. Franzis Kabisch manages, almost “in the same breath,” to break up the false hubris of the documentary and demonstrate that the evidential value of filmic and photographic “testimonies” must always and implicitly be scrutinised. Ultimately, “cui bono?” – the question who profits, must be considered in every media-critical reflection – not just in the age of stock photos, editing software and AI but, strictly speaking, at the start of every documentary image production.

Luc-Carolin Ziemann

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Franzis Kabisch
Franzis Kabisch
Franzis Kabisch
Franzis Kabisch
Franzis Kabisch
Sound Design
Franzis Kabisch, Katharina Pelosi, Laura Schick
Winner of: Golden Dove Short Film (German Competition)
Filmstill Gudow Nord

Gudow Nord

Gudow Nord
Sophia Schachtner
German Competition Documentary Film 2023
Documentary Film
20 minutes

The motorway roars in the background, darkness lies over the service area. One truck driver smokes; another turns on the light in his sleeper cab. A summer Sunday is dawning, everything is standing still. Precisely designed detail shots induce in us a state of waiting. This is what life on the road can also look like. Cooking, dozing, staring into space. Hair is shorn short, words are exchanged. Polish pop songs resound from one of the cabs.

Life seems to have been tuned out. And yet it is happening. One of the men roams the forest, calls home. Suddenly a family is present in the images: The man remembers a swimming trip when the children were small. A strangely beautiful sight. He holds his mobile up in the air so the person on the other end of the line can hear the woodpecker.

Anke Leweke

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Sophia Schachtner
Marlon Weber
Sophia Schachtner
Sophia Schachtner
Sound Design
Patrick Dadaczynski
Nominated for: Gedanken Aufschluss Prize
German Competition Documentary Film 2023
Filmstill The Gate
The Gate
Jasmin Herold, Michael David Beamish
How does the omnipresence of war affect life? The film looks for answers in the “American Way” of everyday life in the vast deserts of Utah, where the U.S. Army are testing new weapons systems.
Filmstill The Gate

The Gate

The Gate
Jasmin Herold, Michael David Beamish
German Competition Documentary Film 2023
Documentary Film
88 minutes

The top-secret military testing facility Dugway lies in the barren desert of Utah. This is where the U.S. Army are rehearsing the wars of tomorrow. They specialise in nuclear weapons, chemical and biological agents, including anthrax and special nerve toxins. Even the Hiroshima pilots practiced on this site. Meeting at this war site far from all combat zones are: a heavily traumatised soldier, a military chaplain, a survivor of the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima and a father looking for his missing son. They are all proud of their American Way of Life and at the same time marked by the horrors of war. Because even in Utah, far from all actual fighting, it has indelibly inscribed itself – into the people’s souls and the collective memory of the U.S., for many decades the nation with the highest military budget.

This visually powerful film approaches its protagonists without prejudice, trying to learn how they navigate a social system that sees the use of violence as a right of freedom. What does it mean when guns and their attendant rituals are used to strengthen family cohesion, when shooting practice becomes a bonding exercise between fathers and sons? And when – unimpressed by the daily arms buildup – fear hovers over everything and seeps deeper into life every day?

Luc-Carolin Ziemann

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Jasmin Herold, Michael David Beamish
Jasmin Herold, Michael David Beamish
Claire Pijman
Claire Pijman
Heino Deckert
Jasmin Herold, Michael David Beamish
Michael David Beamish
Sound Design
Michael Kaczmarek, Adrian Lo
Markus Aust
World Sales
Liselot Verbrugge
German Distributor
Michael Höfner
Nominated for: VER.DI Prize for Solidarity, Humanity and Fairness, Goethe-Institut Documentary Film Prize, DEFA Sponsoring Prize