
Discounts | Accreditation

Here you can apply discounts for each ticket if you are eligible. Shows before 16:00 are generally reduced (8,00€) for all. Screenings in our "Kids DOK" section cost 5,00€ in general and no discounts apply here.

The price of each other screening can be changed by clicking on the dropdown icon to the right of each ticket. You can change "Full price" to "Reduced".
You have to click on "Update cart" on the bottom of the screen, to apply the discounts and recalculate the new total.
Please bring a proper proof of discount to the cinema hall, else you will be barred from entry.

You're interested in one of our season passes? Check it out
Bought a season pass at the box office? Upgrade it to a digital season pass


Do you have a digital season pass? Then you can also choose the price option for each ticket. It is the number of your season pass. Please use "Update cart" at the bottom of the screen to apply the discount.
Be aware: Only a maximum of 10 season pass tickets can be held at any time. Only after you get one of your tickets scanned at the entrance, your quota will be refilled.
Additionally no parallel screenings are allowed and only one ticket per show.

Do you have an accreditation? Then you can also choose the price option "Accreditation" for each ticket. Please use "Update cart" at the bottom of the screen to apply the discount.
Be aware: Only a maximum of 5 accreditation tickets can be held at any time. Only after you get one of your tickets scanned at the entrance, your quota will be refilled.
Additionally no parallel screenings are allowed and only one ticket per show.

Please log into your myDOK account to purchase a season pass. As the season pass is personalized, we prevent you from buying them “as guest” (not logged in).

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Questions regarding ticketing?

We answer most questions in our ticketing FAQ.