Film Archive


Camera Lucida 2023
Filmstill Feet in Water, Head on Fire
Feet in Water, Head on Fire
Terra Long
In southern California, date palms from the Middle East grow, tales from One Thousand and One Nights are told and a volcanic eruption is expected. A document of enchanting simultaneity.
Filmstill Feet in Water, Head on Fire

Feet in Water, Head on Fire

Feet in Water, Head on Fire
Terra Long
Camera Lucida 2023
Documentary Film
90 minutes

Not a single cloud ever seems to drift across this sky, the sun never ceases to send its powerful rays down. Here, in southern California, where the San Andreas Fault has created an unmistakable topography and invisible water currents run under the barren soil, date palms thrive best: feet in water, head on fire. Terra Long has looked around, traced the history of the plants which originally came to North America from the Middle East, and visited the parades and festivities dedicated to the sugary fruit. Layer by layer, she constructs her very own perspective on the landscape and the people, translates her haptic impressions into magnificent 16mm shots and designs a complex soundtrack.

Long manages to join the past and present and produce a concise, quasi sensual extract. The laborious manual pollination of the date palms plays a role in it, as do the collapsed ecosystem of the Salton Sea, archived dresses of Arabian Nights beauty queens and interviews that testify only to what is now historical; as do elderly white couples floating in their pools and walking across the lawns of golf courses. “Feet in Water, Head on Fire” is a document of simultaneity that captivates from the first minute to the last.

Carolin Weidner

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Terra Long
Terra Long
Kaija Siirala, Terra Long
Terra Long, Mireya Martinez, Sharlene Bamboat
Sound Design
Richy Carey