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Film selection for DOK Leipzig 2023 has begun

This year we have received more than 2,700 films. We are overwhelmed and thank each applicant for your interest in our festival! The selection committee is already deeply engaged in a viewing marathon. In addition to our festival director Christoph Terhechte and the programme coordinators Lina Dinkla, Jana Kraft and Victoria Leshchenko, this year's selection team includes film experts André Eckardt, Borjana Gaković, Jan Künemund, Anke Leweke, Franka Sachse, Carolin Weidner, Annina Wettstein and Luc-Carolin Ziemann. 

We will announce the film programme and competition nominations on 21 September, the same day that ticket sales start. Is the festival firmly marked on your calendar? A reminder to film professionals: You can already apply for accreditation now!

Photos: Lukas Diller, Susann Jehnichen, Maria Matiashova, Maik Teriete, Dennis Weißflog