DOK 365

DOK 365

From audience favourites and insider tips to documentaries and animated films for children and adults alike, a number of DOK Leipzig films can be seen outside the festival all year round. We will keep you up to date on films that are running in cinemas or available from the comfort of home.
In der Osthalle des Leipziger Hauptbahnhofs sitzen Menschen in Sitzreihen und schauen auf eine große Leinwand, die von der Decke hängt. Auf der Leinwand ein Baum in einer kargen Landschaft.
Film screening at Leipzig’s main station 2023
© Sophie Mahler
Summer Cinema

Dreamy summer nights are here and we bring you the best documentary film programme to enjoy them with. From 25 July to 14 August, we will screen four film highlights and audience favourites from the last years in three of Leipzig’s open air cinemas.

Summer Cinema - The Programme
21:30 “The Gullspång Miracle” – Plagwitzer Markthalle
21:30 “Vista Mare” – Plagwitzer Markthalle
21:15 “Anhell69” – Luru-Kino (Spinnerei)
21:30 “Vika!” – 2cl Sommerkino (Conne Island)
DOK Days

Join us at our monthly cinema date in Leipzig! We are looking forward to sharing cinema evenings with you outside of our festival week. At the DOK Days, we show festival highlights and audience favorites in selected cinemas in Leipzig and the region.

Our monthly series is taking a break over the summer while the DOK summer cinema will be back! Starting end of July, we will screen a programme of selected documentary gems in various open air venues in Leipzig. Films and dates will be announced soon.


Cinema Releases

These DOK Leipzig films are soon screening in theaters in Germany.
Ein Paar in traditioneller Tracht küsst sich umringt von anderen Paaren auf einer Tanzfläche.
We Call Her Hanka

Directed by: Grit Lemke

Sorbian life in Lusatia, today. Encounters with a population who are reclaiming their identity, language and culture out of the local museums into present-day Federal Germany.

Ein Rettungsschiff mit vielen Personen in roten Rettungswesten an Deck im Meer. Im Hintergrund drei kleinere Boote.
One Hundred Four

The rescue of 104 castaways in the Mediterranean, person by person, step by step, in a real time documentary. Help against the clock – and the organised ignorance of the authorities.

Eine leere Straße führt zwischen zwei Gewässern hindurch. Das Wasser links ist bläulich, das Wasser rechts der Straße rot-braun.
The Gate

Directed by: Jasmin Herold and Michael David Beamish

How does the omnipresence of war affect life? The film looks for answers in the “American Way” of everyday life in the vast deserts of Utah, where the U.S. Army are testing new weapons systems.


Don’t miss a thing: We will keep film fans plugged-in to which films are appearing on TV and in online media libraries via Instagram and Facebook. You can also sign up to our monthly Newsletter to get all the festival news.

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