DOK Exchange XR

DOK Exchange XR

DOK Exchange XR is DOK Leipzig’s networking and inspiration programme on interactive and immersive storytelling with a focus on XR works and the sustainable development of the international community of XR creators, producers and distributors.
Apply with your XR work-in-progress or a prototype until 15 August.

DOK Exchange XR strives to develop and flourish an international XR community of creators, experts, researchers, producers, storytellers, curators and distributors. We focus on building openness, equality and equity in the process of knowledge exchange.

This year, we are particularly focused on the evolving art of crafting spatial audio narratives, the power of 3D soundscape, voice storytelling, diverse immersive sonic worlds.

Our open calls and festival programme are guided by the following themes:

  • creative process of spatial audio experiences in documentaries and artistic XR projects, the psychology of sound design, innovative technology and tools for 3D audio storytelling, strategies for immersive audio distribution, and insight into the selection processes for audio projects across various festivals and galleries;
  • various forms of spatial audio storytelling beyond XR, such as immersive radio, podcasts, applications of spatial audio in performance art, traditional cinema, and artistic installations, particularly in extending XR experiences into physical spaces;
  • ethical considerations of AI in sound and voice creation – we’ll examine eg. the importance of identity and originality of sound, including human voices for non-human roles.

Conference and Showcases

Mehrere Personen sitzen auf Stühlen in einem Raum und hören einem Vortrag von einer Person zu, die vorne vor einer Leinwand steht. Auf der Leinwand sind mehrere Bilder von einer Person auf einem Pferd, darüber steht: The next evolution of AI.
DOK Exchange XR Conference

A hybrid 2-day event featuring brilliant speakers offering an in-depth exploration of XR creation, dynamic panel discussions with experts and creators, as well as an artistic programme (event with online transmission for remote attendees).The conference covers the latest industry advancements and addresses important ethical issues.

A person with headphones on looks at a brightly lit screen.
DOK Exchange XR Showcase

A hybrid presentation of selected cutting-edge XR projects, showcasing their work-in-progress in front of a live audience, followed by feedback from experts in the fields of research, funding, distribution, art, and technology.

A person sits on a chair and wears a VR head set.
DOK Exchange XR Prototyping Showcase

An on-site presentation of XR prototypes that are seeking support and feedback from experts and the audience on narrative, creative aspects, user experience, as well as exhibition and future distribution strategies. Projects can test their XRs with onboarding elements and conduct an audience survey.

The DOK Exchange XR 2-day programme gives you the opportunity to connect with cutting-edge experts, consult your work-in-progress projects and keep in touch with the international XR community. It will take place on 31 October and 1 November 2024.

Call for Applications Is Now Open

Open calls for both showcases look for XR projects that:

  • present an innovative and unique approach to storytelling;
  • explore artistic possibilities of immersive media, interactive technologies and augmented creativity (particularly spatial audio);
  • seek international collaboration, partners, producers, distributors;
  • (alternatively) take into account the ethical and social impact of XR and AI.

is looking for XR projects which are at all stages of development, that do not have a prototype or do not need to present one.

Applications for DOK Exchange XR Showcase will be evaluated by an international jury.

is dedicated to XR prototypes that are seeking support in improving and receiving feedback from experts on narrative, creative aspects, user experience, as well as exhibition and future distribution strategies.

DOK Exchange Prototyping Showcase is curated by the DOK Exchange XR team. 

How to Apply

The deadline for applications is 15 August 2024. Read the DOK Exchange XR Showcase and XR Prototyping Showcase Guidelines and FAQs (PDF) and start the application process here.

Please note that you need to login to myDOK account – or register for a new one – to access the application area.

Applications for DOK Exchange XR showcases are free of charge. However, projects selected for the DOK Exchange XR will be charged a participation fee of 150 € (plus 7% VAT if applicable) and will receive two accreditations for the entire festival as part of the fee.

Feel invited to become part of DOK Exchange XR! We can’t wait to discover your projects and meet you in Leipzig.

Apply with your XR project in development or prototype phase now.
DOK Exchange Coordinator

Weronika Lewandowska

exchange [at] dok-leipzig [dot] de (exchange[at]dok-leipzig[dot]de)



A female person with VR glasses is looking up.
Project Archive

Want to discover the projects that have been part of DOK Exchange XR in recent years from 2020?

Browse the Project Archive (2020–2023)

Collage of two portrait photos: Weronika Lewandowska at the left, Mads Damsbo at the right
Re-Listen to DOK Exchange XR 2023

You can now re-listen to our 2023 XR Industry Podcast episode here

Dive in to “Creativity Through the Lens of AI”

Listen to the podcast episode on
DOK Exchange XR
Calls for XR Projects in Development and XR Prototypes
Add to calender

Co-Partner of DOK Exchange XR:

DOK Industry is realised with the support of Creative Europe MEDIA Programme of the European Union, the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM) and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media upon a Decision of the German Bundestag.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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