Just Above the Surface of the Earth

Filmstill Just Above the Surface of the Earth

Just Above the Surface of the Earth

Just Above the Surface of the Earth
Marianna Milhorat
Camera Lucida
Documentary Film
69 minutes
German premiere

Highly focused groups of humans move through nature. It is night and they are listening. Or it is midday and they are counting. Sometimes they carry antennas on their backs and roam meadows at the edge of the forest. They are the witnesses of the so-called sixth extinction, the people who document the disappearance of biodiversity in the Anthropocene. Marianna Milhorat approaches them with patience, spending a long time with women who discuss the intensity of the croaking of frogs, while the roar of the streets can be heard in the background. Others report on the “sea star wasting disease”, a mysterious illness that turns starfish into a whitish mush.
“Just Above the Surface of the Earth” leaves little room for hope, but at the same time puts its faith in the indefatigable individuals who have at least decided not to close their eyes. It is to them that Milhorat dedicates this experimental portrait, sophisticated on all cinematic levels. For it is not only bats that flutter through the film, but also thoughts: by Cormac McCarthy, William Golding, Martin Heidegger, or about the mythical river of the dead, Styx. The score, composed by Brian Kirkbride, translates the various microcosms into immersive sound art, giving us access to a world that we often inhabit as if blind and deaf.

Carolin Weidner

Trailer DOK Leipzig Logo

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Cinémathèque in der Nato
Just Above the Surface of the Earth
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Cinémathèque in der Nato
Just Above the Surface of the Earth
During Checkout you can apply discounts, your accreditation or season passes
Regina Palast 4
Just Above the Surface of the Earth (For a Coming Extinction)
During Checkout you can apply discounts, your accreditation or season passes
Regina Palast 4
Just Above the Surface of the Earth (For a Coming Extinction)
During Checkout you can apply discounts, your accreditation or season passes

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Marianna Milhorat
Marianna Milhorat
Marianna Milhorat
Marianna Milhorat
Sound Design
Marianna Milhorat
Brian Kirkbride

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Marianna Milhorat