Ein voll besetzter Kinosaal bei einer Filmvorführung. Auf der Leinwand eine Frau, die auf einem Sofa sitzt.
Sophie Mahler
We look forward to welcoming you to DOK Leipzig 2024 from 28 October to 3 November. Want to show your work at the festival? The call for entries is soon coming to a close – send us your new films and XR works until 1 July. We’re also looking for new film and XR projects in development for DOK Industry.
Submit your film or XR work until 1 July!
Accreditation is now open!
Calls and Deadlines
Mark your calendars!
Call for Films
Call for XR Works (DOK Neuland)
Call for Projects: DOK Co-Pro Market
Early Dove Accreditation
Call for Projects: Preview Germany
Call for Short n’ Sweet & Exchange XR
Regular Rate Accreditation
67th DOK Leipzig Festival
67th edition of DOK Leipzig
Save the Date!
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DOK Leipzig is made possible by the support of:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.