

Join us for discussions with filmmakers, get insights into their work processes, and celebrate the Dove winners with us at the end of the festival week. We look forward to welcoming you to our events and talk programme.

DOK Talks

The University Job – Ordeal or Jackpot?
Tuesday, 29/10, 16:00 | Zeitgeschichtliches Forum

How do people who alternate between teaching and practice achieve the balance between their own projects and educating? Is it possible to make your own films while teaching others the first steps? And what inspiration does teaching offer for one’s own practice? A talk about teaching and learning and the associated synergies.

Moderator: Luc-Carolin Ziemann

Thomas Riedelsheimer (director "Tracing Light")
Sabine Herpich (director "Barbara Morgenstern – Doing It For Love")
Katrin Springer (producer "wo/men")
Heidi Gronauer (head of film school ZeLIG (Bozen) and project lead at ESoDoc – European Social Documentary)

Language: German

Free Entry

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At Second Glance – On the Notion of the Political in Current Documentaries
Wednesday, 30/10 16:00 | Zeitgeschichtliches Forum

How is the concept of the political understood in current documentary film art, when the subject and aesthetics of the film are not readily recognisable as political positions? In order to sharpen our eyes to what lies hidden behind the images, we will discuss their aesthetic methods and approaches with guests of DOK Leipzig 2024.

Moderator: Borjana Gaković

Paula Ďurinová (director "Lapilli")
Francesca Scalisi (director "Valentina and the MUOsters")
Léonard Pongo (director "Tales from the Source")

Language: English

Free Entry

Watch the recording

animation@DOK Leipzig – Spotting, Sampling, Reconnecting
Thursday, 31/10 16:00 | Zeitgeschichtliches Forum

People collect moving images. We capture certain events and store them in places of preservation. Treasures lie dormant in these archives, waiting to be discovered and transformed. What exciting possibilities does archive material offer as source material or component of animation films?

Moderator: Franka Sachse

Max Ferguson (director "You Are the Truck and I Am the Deer")
Joery Santos Gomez (animator "Olivia & the Clouds")
Mélody Boulissière & Bogdan Stamatin (directors "Simply Divine")

Language: English

Free Entry

Watch the recording

Masterclass: Dominique Cabrera

Dominique Cabrera’s latest film revolves around Chris Marker’s legendary short film “La Jetée,” which we will show at the start of this masterclass. But her cinephile streak also runs through her personal and socially engaged documentaries, feature and short films. How does all this mesh, what are the connections between the filmmaker’s works and her biography?

Date and Tickets
10:30 – Free admission | CineStar 6
Masterclass: Isabel Herguera

Isabel Herguera offers a unique insight into her practice as a director and co-creator. Guided by her, we will look between the transparent layers of her films, ascend steep spiral staircases that lead to her characters’ inner lives and explore the emotional topography of her filmic landscapes.

Date and Tickets
10:30 – Free admission | CineStar 6
Animation Perspectives

One evening, two female artists whose works could not be more different at frst glance. Here: a love of language, complex characters, artistic diversity. There: shadowy figures, minimalism in image and sound. An artists’ dialogue in which they present their films and practices to each other and the audience.

Montreal-based artist Moïa Jobin-Paré approaches the world by scratching her way into the deeper spheres of her photographic material like an archaeologist. The figures of Gudrun Krebitz, born in Graz and living in Berlin, are struggling for a place in the smog of other people’s voices and views, but prefer to confide their thoughts to the moon.

Featuring the films:

  • “Tricky Women”, “No Objects”, “4min15 in the Developer”, “Remous”, “Families’ Albums”
  • “I Know You”, “Achill”, “EXOMOON”, “The Magical Dimension” 
Date and Tickets
21:00 Animation Perspectives | Passage Kinos Wintergarten
Animation Night

Spinning Dreams and Beats 


Monsters open their jaws, coloured dots spring from the depths – the art of animation showed its psychedelic potential early on. In 1832, movement illusions were drawn on discs – today, the phenakistiscope has long been a fixture of club culture. An intoxicating evening of optical-kinetic miracles in eight films and a live set by Sculpture from London.

Date and Tickets
20:00 Animation Night | Schaubühne Lindenfels
An Evening of Remembrance

Thomas Heise (1955 – 2024)

He regarded his films, as well as his theatre and audio plays, as the works of a collector, archivist and utopian. As such he produced contributions to an archaeology of real existence. Associates of the artist “assemble” a multi-perspective image of Thomas Heise’s life and work from memory miniatures, material fragments and conversations.

Date and Tickets
An Evening of Remembrance.
21:00 – An Evening of Remembrance. Thomas Heise (1955 – 2024) | Passage Kinos Wintergarten

The evening is realised in cooperation with German Films and 3sat.

5x5 Shorts from the East

On Saturday, 2 November, we invite you to celebrate “5x5 Shorts from the East” at the Polish Institute! In cooperation with film institutions from the region, the event will present 25 short documentaries and animations from Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia and the Czech Republic.

The evening works on the hop on, hop off basis. You can drop in when you like. Admission is free!

Dušan Makavejev | Yugoslavia 1962, 11 min

“Guard of Honour”
Edmunds Jansons | Latvia 2021, 5 min

“Under the Sky”
Marta Skiba | Poland 2019, 13 min

Barbora Berezňáková | Slovakia 2022, 7 min

“Way of Sylvie”
Verica Pospíšilová Kordić Czech Republic 2019, 12 min

“The Mallet”
Aleksandar Ilić | Yugoslavia 1977, 11 min

“The Swan Maiden”
Kārlis Vītols | Latvia 2020, 14 min

“Little Bride”
Lesław Dobrucki | Poland 2010, 15 min

“We Have to Survive: Fukushima!”
Tomáš Krupa | Slovakia 2022, 13 min

“At the End of the World”
Martin Kukal | Czech Republic 2020, 10 min

“Just for the Record”
Vojin Vasović | Canada, Serbia 2020, 7 min

“In the Pipe”
Jurģis Krāsons | Latvia 2020, 9 min

“Super Unit”
Teresa Czepiec | Poland 2014, 20 min

“Tomato Hairytage”
Laura Kočanová | Slovakia 2021, 6 min

“Ant Hill”
Marek Náprstek | Czech Republic 2020, 13 min

“The Same”
Dejan Petrović | Serbia 2017, 17 min

“It’ll Be Fine”
Laila Pakalniņa | Latvia 2004, 5 min

Dorota Migas-Mazur | Poland 2020, 21 min

“Even Stone Flows”
Michaela Čopíková, Veronika Obertová | Slovakia 2022, 3 min

“The Kite”
Martin Smatana | Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland 2019, 13 min

Nikola Majdak Jr., Ana Nedeljković Serbia, Slovakia 2018, 10 min

“The First Bridge”
Laila Pakalniņa | Latvia 2020, 11 min

Adam Buka | Poland 2019, 18 min

“Project Motherhood”
Michal Babinec, Lea Hanzelová | Slovakia, Spain 2020, 10 min

“Washing Machine”
Alexandra Májová | Czech Republic 2020, 5 min

Date and Tickets
17:00 Free admission | Polnisches Institut

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