Animated tubes in changing colours are snaking their way up from the lower edge of the picture

Art, politics and club culture meet animated films at DOK Leipzig

Amid optical-kinetic wonders, existential musings and shadow parades on the phenakistiscope, this year DOK Leipzig once again presents big names and exciting insider tips from the animation film industry.

At “Animation Perspectives”, curator André Eckardt will bring two internationally acclaimed young female animation artists to the stage: Gudrun Krebitz and Moïa Jobin-Paré, from Berlin and Montreal. Jobin-Paré and her shadowy proxies creatively appropriate the world by carving bright colours into the images of a dreary cityscape, breathing life into the wasteland. Krebitz’s characters are as self-confident as they are elusive, and as stubborn as they are poetic—rounded out by a cigarette's length of existentialism.

On Friday evening during the festival week, DOK Leipzig invites you to “Animation Night” at the Schaubühne. This night is all about one of the delightful beginnings to animation art: the phenakistiscope, a combination camera and record player. Initially used for the scientific visualisation of a pumping heart, the 19th century technique has long since become part of contemporary club culture. Come along and spend the evening with us watching hallucinating visualisations of a Max Cooper track, early computer animations and historical miracle discs from the 19th century. To top off the evening, British artist duo Sculpture, who collage snippets of found magnetic sound tapes, will perform a live set.

Film professionals attending the 67th edition of DOK Leipzig will enjoy a compelling programme of animation industry activities and events, including several dedicated formats for animation film. More about animation in the scope of DOK Industry.

More info on both events in our press release.

All films in the animations programmes: Film lists.