Film Archive


Land (Film Archive)

German Competition 2021
Media Name: 36a165bd-5a44-4b5b-97da-abf6aeaf6218.jpg
A Sound of My Own
Rebecca Zehr
A visually and aurally outstanding film about the musician Marja Burchard, leader of the legendary band “Embryo”. An ode to hearing, experimentation and inspiration.
Media Name: 36a165bd-5a44-4b5b-97da-abf6aeaf6218.jpg

A Sound of My Own

A Sound of My Own
Rebecca Zehr
German Competition 2021
Documentary Film
52 minutes

She first appeared on stage at the age of eleven with the legendary Krautrock band “Embryo”. Her father, Christian Burchard, founded the band in 1969 and led it until 2016. Today – in her mid-thirties – Marja Burchard is the bandleader in this project, which has become a kind of family for her. But what seems so simple and organic is far from self-evident in an extremely male-dominated sphere, as Rebecca Zehr shows in her precisely observed and designed film.

This strictly and yet lightly composed melange mixes archival footage, psychedelic animation sequences and everyday observations of the normal life of a female musician between organisation and inspiration. With the visual level restricted to black and white and thus deliberately restrained, all the more attention is focused at the sound. The – who wonders? – outstanding score never takes the music for granted but works robustly with our perception. It’s the lucid, calm images and the narrative that is always anchored in the here and now that let this film stay incredibly haptic despite its concentration on our sense of hearing. Rebecca Zehr is not interested in portraying a musical legend, but in showing us what it could look and feel like to not only make music but live in it.
Luc-Carolin Ziemann

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Rebecca Zehr
Felix Press
Melanie Jilg
Rebecca Zehr, Katharina Rabl, University of Television and Film Munich (HFF)
Rebecca Zehr
Marja Burchard
World Sales
Tina Janker
Winner of: Golden Dove (German Competition)