

We are looking for your documentary, animated film and XR projects in diverse stages of development for DOK Industry. Apply now!

What Are We Looking for?

Auf einer Bühne vor einer Leinwand steht eine Frau mit Mikrofon und schaut in Richtung Publikum. Sie schirmt mit ihrer Hand das Licht von ihren Augen ab. Neben ihr sitzt eine zweite Person. Auf der Leinwand ist das Festivalmotiv von Dok Leipzig.

15 February – 1 July 2024

  • Creative documentaries and animated films, short (up to 40 min) and feature length
  • World and international premieres preferred, German premieres required
  • Films from 2023 and 2024 (premiered after 15 October 2023)

The call for entries for the festival film programme and XR works for DOK Neuland is closed.

How to Submit

Once a call is open, you can submit your works and projects via our myDOK area where you find entry forms for each call.

Please login to myDOK to access the forms. If you haven’t registered for myDOK yet, you'll need to create a new account to access the submission forms. 

Access the entry forms

I have submitted a film. What’s next?

Thank you for your film entry. Our selection committee will watch all submissions and we’ll get back to you at the latest in August with our feedback whether your film has been selected for DOK Leipzig 2024 or not. 

Any questions in the meantime? Please contact our programm [at] dok-leipzig [dot] de (programme team).

I have submitted an XR work to DOK Neuland. What’s next?

We will watch all entries and get back to you as soon as possible. This can take a few weeks, but don’t worry, we will definitely give you a feedback on your XR submission.

I have applied to DOK Co-Pro Market. What’s next?

35 documentary projects will be selected from the submissions to participate in DOK Co-Pro Market 2024. We will view all applications and get back to you in August.

Calls and Deadlines
Mark your calendars!
Call for Films
Call for XR Works (DOK Neuland)
Call for Projects: DOK Co-Pro Market
Early Dove Accreditation
Call for Projects: Preview Germany
Call for Short n’ Sweet & Exchange XR
Regular Rate Accreditation
Deadline: DOK Preview Germany
Deadline: Producers without a Project
Last Minute Accreditation (with extra fee)
67th DOK Leipzig Festival
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