German-Soviet Friendship – Fraternisation and Glorification


Doroga Zhizni – Straße des Lebens

Filmstill Doroga Zhizni – Road of Life
Doroga Zhizni – Straße des Lebens
M. Markosov
Matinee Saxon State Archive
Today, numerous memorials in Saint Petersburg commemorate the almost 900-day Siege of Leningrad. The “road of life” plays a special role in collective memory.

SSSR. 50 Let – 50 Jahre UdSSR [Fragment]

Filmstill SSSR. 50 Let – 50 Years USSR [fragment]
SSSR. 50 Let – 50 Jahre UdSSR [Fragment]
Matinee Saxon State Archive
“Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country,” Lenin said. The biggest country on earth, presented in stupendous images intended to awe and amaze.

Rückgabe der Kunstschätze an das Grüne Gewölbe

Filmstill Restitution of the Art Treasures to the Green Vault
Rückgabe der Kunstschätze an das Grüne Gewölbe
Matinee Saxon State Archive
After the defeat of the Nazi regime, the Soviet occupiers – later friends – were anxious to establish good relationships: They returned “evacuated” art treasures amidst great media attention.

Drei Jahrzehnte später

Filmstill Three Decades Later
Drei Jahrzehnte später
Volker Kastius
Matinee Saxon State Archive
A visit to Volgograd exemplifies the GDR’s handling of the Nazi past: Germans are declared victims and resistance fighters against the Nazi regime.


Filmstill Encounters
Alfred Dorn
Matinee Saxon State Archive
Lenin’s long shadow reaches until 1970: The citizens of the Soviet Union pay their respects to Lenin, the founder of their state – at the mausoleum on Moscow’s Red Square.

Stranicy Moego Kinoalboma – Seiten meines Filmalbums

Filmstill Stranicy Moego Kinoalboma – Pages of My Film Album
Stranicy Moego Kinoalboma – Seiten meines Filmalbums
V. Shendrik, V. Vajda, F. Krevnev
Matinee Saxon State Archive
The big political guidelines – the “two camps” doctrine, historical duty, military alliance treaty obligations – emerge from the cine film collection of a Soviet citizen in Riga.

Contains mentions of war scenes

Contains depictions of war scenes


Filmstill Paskutinis
Vladislovas Algimantas Blinstrubas
Matinee Saxon State Archive
In the Lithuanian SSR, a film artist looks back on centuries of Baltic history from a different perspective, opening up a space for pain and grief.

[Kurt Biedenkopf besucht ein sowjetisches Panzerregiment]

Filmstill [Kurt Biedenkopf visits a Soviet tank regiment]
[Kurt Biedenkopf besucht ein sowjetisches Panzerregiment]
Klaus Wilhelm
Matinee Saxon State Archive
A Soviet armoured regiment in Saxony welcomes a distinguished visitor: The Minister President arrives on Christmas Eve 1991 and meets young soldiers whose future is uncertain.

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