Co-Pro Market Entry FAQ 2024

Co-Pro Market Entry FAQ 2024

Want to apply with a documentary project for the DOK Co-Pro Market? Here is what’s good to know before starting your application.
I have several projects that I would like to apply with. Can I send all of them?

You may only send up to 2 projects per production company.

Which project team member should apply?

We encourage only the producers (or production companies) to apply. Unfortunately directors without production companies are ineligible for applying. We also ask sales representatives to get in contact with us first, if they are interested in sending a project, in order to check eligibility.

Which application form should I use?

Once you have completed the registration for myDOK and logged in, you see the entries options. Please choose the button “Apply for Co-Pro Market”. If you choose the incorrect form, you will have to go back to the menu and start a new entry.

I send my project before I was finished with my application. What should I do?

Once you have clicked the “Submit” button at the end of the form, you cannot make changes to the form anymore. You can either start a new application or if you would like to make changes to an already entered application, please do so by emailing the DOK Co-Pro Market Coordinator. Please respect our capacity for answering emails: the earlier you contact us, the easier it is to react.

I am not sure if I can make the deadline. Can I get an extension?

The deadline is 15 July 2024, midnight CEST (UMT +2). Do not wait until the final moment to apply, the server might be overwhelmed. Even more important, please do not send us panicked emails, we are reasonable and if you get in touch early on, it is possible to give extensions.

Can I apply with a project without any secured funding?

We require you to have secured some home financing. This might be development funds, crowd funds, a broadcaster etc. An LOI from a reputable distributor or sales agent would also be sufficient. We understand that for some emerging or frozen markets this may be difficult. Please email us if you are unsure if you fulfil this requirement. Do not forget, if you are too early in development, you can always apply with a better chance of selection next year. We are very happy to advise you on this and DOK Leipzig has other networking opportunities to take advantage of, so if you have any questions about eligibility do contact us.

How many team members can participate in the Co-Pro Market?

This is an event designed for producers in particular. We have limited capacity and can only welcome 2 team members per project, either a producer, two producers or a producer and director. We keep our market and events small, exclusive and give you lots of access to decision makers and funders. We are only able to do so by restricting the number of participants.

Is there a cancellation fee?

Please note that late cancellations (10 days before the festival) will still be subject to paying the participation fee.

I am a first timer at a co-production market. Is there a possibility to receive training?

We are not a training initiative, although we foster knowledge exchange through the DOK Co-Pro Market Open Programme. We are also very happy to advise you on your participation, or how to position your written materials for the catalogue, e.g. via Zoom. We also offer an online workshop before the DOK Co-Pro Market begins, more information will be made available after your projects selection.

DOK Co-Pro Market Coordinator

Guevara Namer

namer [at] dok-leipzig [dot] de (namer[at]dok-leipzig[dot]de)
+49 (0)341 30864-1081


DOK Industry is realised with the support of Creative Europe MEDIA Programme of the European Union, the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM) and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media upon a Decision of the German Bundestag.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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