International Delegations

International Delegations

Discover the international delegations 2024!

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African-European Distribution Academy

The African-European Distribution Academy is a training & networking program to support the establishment of film distribution companies in the growing & dynamic African film markets, focusing on Kenya, Rwanda & Ethiopia in its 2024 edition. Connecting the industry across borders, the AEDA aims to increase releases of African films locally & internationally, and of int’l films in African cinemas.


The AVAZYA Film Professionals Network is organized by the International Festival of Romani Film. It is a network dedicated to increasing opportunities for Romani film professionals and advocating on a European level for policy change towards equity and inclusion of Romani film professionals within the international film market. AVAZYA stands for the visibility and diversity of Romani stories.


BDC Discoveries

BDC DISCOVERIES is a continuous development programme for documentary professionals coming from the Balkans or working on a Balkan-related topic and thus looking for a co-producer from the region.

We are happy to come as a delegation with our seven projects from the region and beyond! This year we welcomed participants from Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Ukraine, Switzerland.

Read more about them here: 



CIRCLE is a unique international training program designed for women and gender-expansive filmmakers working in both documentary and fiction. Its flagship initiative, Women Doc Accelerator, is a year-round training program open to projects and professionals at all stages of development. In 2023, CIRCLE expanded its offerings with the launch of Fiction Orbit, an intensive, one-off residential workshop aimed at mid-career filmmakers developing scripted projects. Since 2020, CIRCLE has partnered with Cannes Docs – Marché du Film to organize the annual CIRCLE Showcase @ Cannes Docs.



dok.incubator is an eight-month long documentary rough-cut workshop, based on individual tutoring for the whole creative teams (director, editor and producer). Under the supervision of experienced editors, producers, sales agents and marketing experts, the participants work on the strongest dramaturgy of the final cut and a clever distribution and marketing strategy. Sharpening the editing, emphasising film’s international potential, the workshop aims to help the documentaries to break into the international market and meet an international audience worldwide.


EFM Doc Toolbox

The EFM Doc Toolbox programme forms part of the European Film Market's Diversity & Inclusion initiatives and is aimed specifically at international delegations of documentary creatives from equity-seeking groups and the Global South. The EFM Doc Toolbox Programme is designed to endow documentary creatives with market intelligence, business tools and connections, enabling them to better navigate the international film market.



ZeLIG offers high-quality training in documentary filmmaking, collaborating with active industry professionals as trainers. We run a three-year documentary school for 30 young talents per cycle, providing hands-on learning, and ESoDoc, a Creative Europe MEDIA Programme-funded project for professionals focused on developing socially impactful projects in the audiovisual field.


Filmverband Sachsen

The aim of the Filmverband Sachsen is to promote, develop and strengthen film culture in the Free State of Saxony and to maintain and preserve Saxony's film heritage. Its activities include advising social and state organizations and institutions with regard to improving conditions for film production, film distribution and film screening, as well as supporting and organizing film workshops, film festivals and networking events.


Generation Africa 2.0

The Generation Africa 2.0 project is an initiative of the South African non-profit media company STEPS aiming to co-produce up to 30 documentary films from 21 countries in Africa about climate justice. These films will be distributed on multiple platforms and for screening in communities across Africa to stimulate dialogue and discussion about actions to take to mitigate climate change.


KFF – Polish Docs Pro

POLISH DOCS PRO focuses primarily on the wide‑ranging promotion of the Polish documentary film industry at international events. It supports filmmakers and producers in developing their projects by facilitating access to markets, pitching forums, and co‑production meetings.
Polish Docs Pro delegation at DOK Leipzig is organised by the Krakow Film Foundation and co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage within a frame of the Polish Creative Industries Development Center Programme ‘Rozwój Sektorów Kreatywnych’.


Institute of Documentary Film

The Institute of Documentary Film (IDF) has been supporting creative documentary films from Central and Eastern Europe since 2001. The IDF provides both emerging and experienced filmmakers with training, financing, networking and pitching opportunities, helps them get international attention and co-productions, rewards the exceptional projects with awards and further opportunities and improves their orientation on the international market. The promotional and practical service of the IDF includes a wide range of online and offline catalogues being created annually, updating a thorough database of CEE documentaries and professionals and a calendar of important deadlines for producers, and bringing news from the world of documentary film in general via and social media. To the audience of documentary enthusiasts, the IDF also brings a rich program of lectures, presentations and screenings in their home regions or during the IDF’s industry events.  


Professional Media Master Class

The PMMC is a place for the recovery of artistic documentary practice as an autonomous form of collective experimentation, research and thinking, for artists who like to deal collectively and intensively with the burning questions of our time.

PMMC productions have screened at 160 international and national festivals, 50 exhibitions and events and received over 20 awards.



TIDF AGORA is the biggest annual event for documentary audiovisual works in Greece and the wider region. An international eight-day event, functions mainly as a bridge, connecting the documentary to the powerful medium of television, as well as the new digital distribution platforms. TIDF AGORA promotes and supports the documentary medium from the stage of development to the financing, completion and distribution of the film. We are constantly aiming at developing activities which can enhance documentary filmmaking and documentary distribution.


DOK Industry is realised with the support of Creative Europe MEDIA Programme of the European Union, the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM) and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media upon a Decision of the German Bundestag.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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