Zimmer frei?

Zimmer frei?

“Zimmer frei”, which translates to “room free”, is an initiative that helps to accommodate as many filmmakers as possible in the city, beyond hotel contingents. It’s also a great opportunity for hosts and artists to start conversations in new areas, both literally and figuratively.
Zwei Personen sitzen nebeneinander auf einem Sofa und unterhalten sich.
© Lukas Diller

We donʼt just want to watch films, we want to talk about them too. And to ensure that the audience gets exciting answers to good questions, we like to invite filmmakers to engage in more intimate discussions.

With “Zimmer frei”, directors have the chance to visit the festival and get to know the city and its people in a very individual way. Hosts offer a room in their apartment, meet inspiring people beyond the festival fray and receive either a season ticket or 10 free screenings at DOK Leipzig as our gift of appreciation. 

Sounds good to you? You can apply as a host by 14 October.

You are a filmmaker showing your film at the festival and you are still looking for accommodation? Please contact our guest office!

The registration is closed, thank you for your many offers! We wish you a great festival week.
Guest Office

Lucie Hübner

+49 (0)341 30864-2011 
huebner [at] dok-leipzig [dot] de (huebner[at]dok-leipzig[dot]de)

68th DOK Leipzig Festival
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