DOK Leipzig has announced its DOK Industry award winners, presented during the festival week.
At the DOK Co-Pro Market, a total of three awards have been presented. Belarusian director Daria Yurkevich and her project “GENESIS” (Belarus, Germany) has received the Saxon Award for the Best Documentary Project by a Female Director. The prize is endowed with 5,000 euros, sponsored by the Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism.
“Divia” (Ukraine, Poland) by Dmytro Hreshko has picked up the Current Time TV Award, endowed with 2,000 euros and sponsored by Current Time TV.
“Shaina 13 to 15” (France) by Tamara Erde has received the Unifrance Doc Award, providing subtitling services, sponsored by TitraFilm, and a Unifrance membership for its French producer.
At DOK Preview Germany, “Johatsu – Into Thin Air” (WT; Germany, Japan), directed by Andreas Hartmann and Arata Mori, has been awarded with the D-Facto Motion Works-in-Progress Prize, which comes with the post-production grant of 10,000 euros, sponsored by D-Facto Motion GmbH.
At DOK Short n’ Sweet, "A MOVE" (Iran) by Elahe Esmaili has received the Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg Award, which comes with a Letter of Intent, a short evaluation and one consultation session for sales opportunities.