Ein Mann sitzt auf einem Miniaturmodel des Kunstmuseums in Leipzig und schaut durch eine VR Brille zum Himmel

DOK Neuland 2025 is ready for your XR Works

Since 2015, we dedicate an exhibition platform to immersive documentary storytelling: DOK Neuland. Each year during the DOK Leipzig festival week (27.10.–2.11.2025) we invite our audiences to discover selected international XR pieces in public exhibitions.

The call for submissions to the 2025 DOK Neuland edition is now open. We look forward to receiving your artistic XR contributions until 1 July.

What are we looking for?

XR works that question conventional narrative forms and open up new audio-visual experiences – be it through virtual reality, mixed reality or augmented reality experiences, 360° films, performances, media or web-based art, sound installations, projection mapping or looped films, participatory films or games. We’re also excited to discover and showcase even more media we may not even be aware of yet.

You can submit your XR works until 1 July directly on our website. DOK Neuland has no premiere requirements nor submission fees. We are excited to work with you to support your visions and bring your works to the public!

Head to our DOK Neuland page to find out more about the exhibition, read the regulations, and access the entry form: 

Go to DOK Neuland