Animated tubes in changing colours are snaking their way up from the lower edge of the picture

DOK Leipzig Further Connects Animation and Documentary Professionals

Film professionals attending the 67th edition of DOK Leipzig will enjoy a compelling programme of animation industry activities and events, including several dedicated formats for animation film.

We are once again partnering up with CEE Animation to present the second edition of Animation Lab DOK Leipzig, where participating documentary producers will dive into the production and distribution of animated documentaries in the four-day residential workshop. The workshop, which kicks off on Monday and concludes on the festival Friday, will be led by the experts in the field, Jean-François Le Corre and Uri Kranot.

On Thursday morning, Jean-François Le Corre, one of the main tutors of Animation Lab DOK Leipzig and seasoned producer (Vivement-Lundi!, “Flee”), will present a wondrous work-in-progress of “Suzanne”, an internationally co-produced animated documentary feature by Joëlle Oosterlinck and Anaïs Caura, which deftly uses 2D animation and colorised archives to trace the life of the trailblazing Suzanne Noël. The festival's dialogue series “Animation Perspectives” will also take place on Thursday, welcoming the fantastic young artists Gudrun Krebitz und Moïa Jobin-Paré from Berlin and Montreal, respectively. On the festival Friday, the great Isabel Herguera (“Sultana's Dream”), to whom we are dedicating one of our two homages, will hold an exciting Masterclass on the interplay of individual and dialogue-based creativity. “Animation Perspectives” and the Masterclass are both open to the public.

On the festival Friday, our animation and documentary film guests will also have the chance to reconnect with colleagues and meet new faces at the networking event Animation Meets Doc, and let themselves be taken back to the exhilarating beginnings of animation art at the Animation Night

More on animation at DOK Leipzig in our press release.