Festival Review 2023

Festival Review 2023

Key Facts and Figures of the 66th DOK Leipzig edition that took place from 8 to 15 October 2023.
The Festival in Numbers

From 8 to 15 October 2023, audiences had the opportunity to see 225 films and XR works from around 60 countries in venues around Leipzig. In addition, one film a day was available online for 24 hours throughout Germany in the DOK Stream.

In total, the festival counted 45,500 attendees at its cinema screenings, panel discussions, industry events and the DOK Neuland XR exhibition. The films in the Audience Competition and the opening film, “White Angel – The End of Marinka”, which opened in cinemas across Germany after the festival, were particularly well received.

Audiences were also very enthusiastic about the short films in the International Competitions and the Animation Night with Tess Martin. The Animation Perspectives section as well as both matinees related to the theme of the Retrospective “Film and Protest – Popular Uprisings in the Cold War” were filled to capacity.

The free screenings at the main station attracted more than 2,000 people. DOK Neuland was also at capacity. About 1,000 people came to see the exhibition of immersive XR works at the Museum der bildenden Künste (MdbK).

Programme Sections

Sieben Personen stehen auf einer Bühne und halten Preisstatuetten in die Höhe. Im Hintergrund das Festivalmotiv von DOK Leipzig 2023: eine riesige Schere.
Nominated Films
  • International Competition Documentary Film
  • International Competition Animated Film
  • German Competition Documentary Film
  • Audience Competition
  • Camera Lucida
  • Panorama: Central and Eastern Europe
  • Doc Alliance Award
  • Opening Film
Eine Frau mit Mikrofon in der Hand steht vor einer Leinwand, auf der ein Film läuft.
Further Curated Film Series
  • Retrospective: Film and Protest – Popular Uprisings in the Cold War
  • Homage Peter Mettler: Work in Process
  • DEFA Matinee: Reconstructing a Taboo
  • Matinee Saxon State Archive: German-Soviet Friendship – Fraternisation and Glorification
  • Focus: Post-1991 Slovenian Documentary Films
  • Animation Perspectives: Anne Isensee_Michelle Brand
  • Beyond Animation: Home – Floor Plan, Elevation & Life
  • Animation Night: Meeting and Celebrating Tess Martin
  • 5x5 Shorts from the East
Mehrere Personen stehen in kleinen Grüppchen zu zweit oder dritt um jeweils eine Videokamera auf Stativ.
Programme for Young Audiences

Under the label Kids DOK we’ve presented new animated and documentary films for all who are in the mood for exciting, funny, thought-provoking viewing experiences. We offered five programmes for young audiences at the age +4, +6, +8, +12 and +14. 

With DOK Education we presented exclusive film screening for school classes. Each screenings were followed by an in-depth discussion with the filmmakers. DOK Education also offers a week-long editorial workshop to young people aged between 14 and 20 years: The DOK Spotters come together to familiarise themselves with editorial processes, report on the festival and create their own articles during the festival week.

Mehrere Personen gehen an einem Gebäude mit vergitterten Fenstern entlang.
DOK im Knast

The Juvenile Detention Centre in Regis-Breitingen is the most unusual venue of DOK Leipzig where we presented the documentary “For the Time Being” during the festival week. The film by Nele Dehnenkamp was awarded the “Gedanken-Aufschluss” film prize by a jury of prisoners.

Drei Personen mit VR-Brillen stehen im Kreis um einen Turm aus digitalen Geräten. Sie blicken alle zur Seite.
Extended Reality: DOK Neuland

At the public exhibition DOK Neuland, audiences can discover stories in virtual spaces and explore new boundaries in film with immersive works. In 2023 we invited to experience ten XR works under the title “Nowhere Is Only Somewhere” at Leipzig’s Museum of Fine Arts MdbK.

Sechs Personen sitzen auf einer Bühne aus hellem Holz. Ein Mann in der Mitte spricht in ein Mikrofon, die anderen hören ihm zugewandt zu.
Talks and Masterclasses

Following on from themes in our film programme, we offered various dialogue formats at free admission. These were the topics in 2023:

  • Sensitivity Screening – Unlearning the Past
  • Society, Media, Stereotypes – Who Influences Whom?
  • animation@DOK Leipzig – Challenge Feature-Length Film

In the frames of the Homage Peter Mettler, we invited the audiences to join a masterclass with the filmmaker.


DOK Industry

All in all, DOK Industry welcomed more than 1,700 accredited professionals who came together to network and to pitch or discover upcoming film projects.

Besides the on-site industry activities, live streams, recordings and podcasts also provided various online access to the programme. On two days after the end of the festival, accredited professionals had a further opportunity to network online.

At the second edition of the DOK Archive Market, more international archives and footage libraries introduced their collections than in the previous year. 

And the Winners Are ...

24 awards were presented, including the nine Golden and Silver Doves. The 10,000-euro Golden Dove Feature-Length Film in the International Competition Documentary Film went to Peter Mettler for his documentary “While the Green Grass Grows” (Switzerland, Canada). The newly created Golden Dove for a feature-length animated film went to Xu Jingwei for “No Changes Have Taken in Our Life” (China).

As part of DOK Industry, five awards were given out to outstanding documentary film projects in development or in production. The awards were presented in cooperation with international partners.

Awards at DOK Industry

D-Facto Motion Works-in-Progress Prize

for a documentary film project presented at DOK Preview Germany

post-production grant of 10,000 euros
The prize is donated by: D-Facto Motion GmbH

“Johatsu – Into Thin Air”
Andreas Hartmann, Arata Mori
Germany, Japan

Saxon Award for the Best Documentary Project by a Female Director

awarded at DOK Co-Pro Market

5,000 €
 The prize is donated by the Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism

Daria Yurkevich
Belarus, Germany

Current Time TV Award

awarded at DOK Co-Pro Market

2,000 € 
granted by Current Time TV

Dmytro Hreshko
Ukraine, Poland

Unifrance Doc Award

awarded at DOK Co-Pro Market

along with subtitling services sponsored by TitraFilm and a Unifrance membership for its French producer

“Shaina 13 to 15”
Tamara Erde

Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg Award

awarded at Short n’ Sweet

comes with a Letter of Intent along with a short evaluation and one consultation session for sales opportunities

“A Move”
Elahe Esmaili

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