Festival Review 2022

Festival Review 2022

Key Facts and Figures

From 17 to 23 October, audiences at the Leipzig venues were shown 255 films and extended reality (XR) experiences from 55 countries. Following the week of the festival, eleven award-winning films from the programme were available online throughout Germany in the DOK Stream for one week.

DOK Leipzig looks back on a successful edition of the festival this year, with a total of 41,523 attendances having been registered. Particularly satisfying was the interest shown in the events on site. 30,596 attendees were counted at the cinema screenings, talks and industry events as well as at the DOK Neuland exhibition.

The six programmes in the Retrospective “The Female Documentarists of the GDR” as well as the two Matinees on related themes were very well received. The two masterclasses by Mila Turajlić and Špela Čadež also met with enthusiasm. The free screenings at the Leipzig main station were again in high demand, as was the DOK Neuland exhibition of immersive XR experiences.

“After two years of operating under pandemic-related restrictions, this edition of the festival was a very important one for the filmmakers as well as for us. We’re very pleased to have received such exuberant feedback from our audience and from the industry representatives, which demonstrates to us just how important face-to-face interaction is for the film industry and for cinemas. It’s particularly gratifying that we were able to reach a very young audience and get lots of people to return to the cinemas.”

Christoph Terhechte
Festival Director

The Programme Sections

Die Preisträger*innen von Dok Leipzig 2022 stehen gemeinsam auf einer Bühne. In der Mitte Theo Montoya, der seine Preisstatuette in die Höhe streckt. Alle lächeln.
Nominated Films
  • International Competition
  • International Competition Short Film
  • German Competition
  • German Competition Short Film
  • Competition for the Audience Award
  • Competition for the Audience Award Short Film
  • Camera Lucida
  • Panorama
  • Doc Alliance Award
In einer großen historischen Bahnhofshalle hängt eine Kinoleinwand von der Decke, darauf ist ein schwarz-weiß Film zu sehen. Vor der Leinwand stehen und sitzen viele Personen und schauen zu.
Prospects & Positions
  • Retrospective: The Female Documentarists of the GDR
  • Time to Act! Our House Is on Fire
  • Restoring Memory. Homage Mila Turajlić
  • Spotlight on: Docudays UA 2022
  • Soul-Things. Through the Hells of Animation
  • Slovenian Animation. The Conquest of Poetic Space
  • Animation Perspectives: Veneta Androva_Tang Han
  • DEFA Matinee: Angelika Andrees – The Empathetic Eye
  • Matinee Saxon State Archive: Socialist Women’s Images – The Female GDR
  • Dancing in the Dark. Hysteresis & Company
  • Re-Visions: Sow the Wind and Reap the Storm
  • 5x5 Shorts from the East
Eine Kinovorstellung für Kinder: Auf der Leinwand zwei fassen sich zwei Eichhörnchen als Zeichentrickfiguren an den Händen.
Programmes for Children and Youth

Under the label Kids DOK we’ve presented new animated and documentary films for all who are in the mood for exciting, funny, thought-provoking viewing experiences. We offered four programmes for young audiences at the age 3+, 5+, 7, and 11+.

With DOK Education we also presented exclusive film screening for school classes. Each screenings were followed by an in-depth discussion with the filmmakers.

Mehrere Personen gehen an einem Gebäude mit vergitterten Fenstern entlang.
DOK im Knast

The Juvenile Detention Centre in Regis-Breitingen is the most unusual venue of DOK Leipzig where we presented two films during the festival week. A jury of prisoners awards the “Gedanken-Aufschluss” film prize at the award ceremony of the festival.

In einem Ausstellungsraum mit hohen Decken stehen und bewegen sich mehrere Menschen. Der Raum ist in pinkes Licht getaucht. Von der Decke hängt an einer Seite des Raums weiße, bauschige Stoffbahnen. Im Rahm stehen mehrere durchlässige Aufbauten aus Stahlgestängen.
Extended Reality: DOK Neuland

At DOK Neuland, audiences and filmmakers can discover and define new boundaries in film with immersive works, virtual and augmented reality, 360° films and media art in a completely new form. In 2022 we invited to experience nine XR works under the title “THX for Nothing” at Leipzig’s Museum of Fine Arts MdbK.

Filmmaker Heinz Emigholz sits next to another man on a panel. He leans back in his chair and speaks into a handheld microphone while gesturing with his other hand.
Talks and Masterclasses

Following on from themes in our film programme, we offered various dialog formats at free admission. These were the topics in 2022:

  • Architecture Film Art – Heinz Emigholz in Conversation
  • animation@DOK Leipzig – Conversations on a Film Genre
  • Conducting the Archive – Conversations on Footage
  • Masterclass Mila Turajlić
  • Masterclass Špela Čadež
DOK Industry

Following a hybrid version in 2021, the DOK Industry platform returned to a focus on in-person participation this year. Live streams, recordings and podcasts also provided various online access to the programme. The industry events met with great interest.

The newly established DOK Archive Market including the keynotes, case studies and individual consultations with experts on film archives, were particularly popular. The short film pitch DOK Short n’ Sweet and the programme focusing on the animated film industry were also attended by numerous accredited professionals.

During the week-long festival, 1,471 international industry representatives met in Leipzig, with a further 210 accredited participants attending remotely. On two days after the end of the festival, accredited professionals had a further opportunity to network online.

Films and Projects

Browse our film archive to find information on all films presented at the festival from 2012 until today. You can see the 2022 film selection here:

Go to the Film Archive

DOK Industry offers a platform for film projects in development. Discover the projects presented in 2022: 

Go to the Project Archive

The Awards

24 prizes were awarded during the week of the festival, including the nine Golden and Silver Doves. The festival’s main award, the Golden Dove in the International Competition, worth 10,000 euros, was awarded to Theo Montoya for his documentary film “Anhell69”.

Prizes awarded at DOK Industry

D-Facto Motion Works-in-Progress Prize

awarded at DOK Preview Germany

along with a post-production grant of 10,000 €
The prize is donated by D-Facto Motion GmbH

“300 Trillion”
Rudolph Herzog

Saxon Award for the Best Documentary Project by a Female Director

awarded at the DOK Co-Pro Market

along with 5,000 €
donated by State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism

“A Bit of a Stranger”
Svitlana Lishchynska

Current Time TV Award

awarded at the DOK Co-Pro Market

along with 1,500 €
donated by Current Time TV

by Jasmila Žbanić
(Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany)

The EWA Diverse Voices Award

awarded at the DOK Co-Pro Market

along with 1,000 € and a year-long mentorship by DOK Leipzig
donated by EWA – European Women’s Audiovisual Network

“In the Light of Darkness”

Unifrance Doc Award

awarded at the DOK Co-Pro Market

along with subtitling services sponsored by TitraFilm and a Unifrance membership for its French producer
donated by: Unifrance

“Under the Dance Floor” 
Sará Timár
(Hungary, France)

Square Eyes Festival Consultation Award

awarded in the frames of DOK Short n’ Sweet

along with a tailor-made consultation on festival strategy by Square Eyes
donated by Square Eyes

“The Art of Detaching One’s Memory”
Jan Carlo Natividad 

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