

DOK Leipzig is an international festival for documentary and animated film, being the first in the world to combine these two genres. DOK Leipzig is built on more than 60 years of history and takes place every year in autumn.
Ein voll Besetzer Kinosaal. Vor der Leinwand stehen zwei Personen, jede mit einem Mikrofon in der Hand. Auf der Leinwand ist das Festivalmotiv von DOK Leipzig.
Festival Screening of “For the Time Being” in October 2023
© Florian Kroker
About DOK Leipzig

This year, DOK Leipzig will celebrate its 67th edition. We look forward to welcoming you to Leipzig from 28 October to 3 November.

With contemporary international films, unique curated programmes and a rich programme for children and adults, we invite our audience to discover the range of contemporary documentary and animated film. Our competition categories give exciting artistic works a place to celebrate their premieres. 

With DOK Neuland, we present the public with a curated exhibition of Extended Reality works. Each year this creates a world where visitors can experience profound stories in unexpected virtual spaces.

First programme details will be announced in September. Read more about DOK Leipzig and our values and goals in the festival profile.

The Film Programme

We present four competitions and two sections out of competition at DOK Leipzig. The main festival prizes – the Golden and Silver Doves – will be awarded in the competitions. The winners are selected by independent juries. Additionally, further prizes are presented by our partners within the festival. 

In addition to the competition categories, we also present several curated series within our programme. With these formats we focus on film historic topics or honour the work of outstanding film artists. These include a retrospective, homages, matinees and programmes for children and young people (Kids DOK). 


Competitions and Awards

International Competition Documentary Film

A five-member jury presents the following awards:

  • Golden Dove Feature-Length Film
  • Golden Dove Short Film
  • Silver Dove Feature-Length Film
  • Silver Dove Short Film
International Competition Animated Film

A three-member jury presents the following awards:

  • Golden Dove Feature-Length Film
  • Golden Dove Short Film
German Competition Documentary Film

A three-member jury presents the following awards:

  • Golden Dove for a feature-length documentary film
  • Golden Dove for a short documentary film
Audience Competition

The Audience Jury consists of five local film enthusiasts who award a Golden Dove. If you are interested to join the jury this year detoro [at] dok-leipzig [dot] de (write us an email).

Extended Reality: DOK Neuland

Our Extended Reality exhibition DOK Neuland opens its doors to the public during the festival week. Audiences and filmmakers can discover and define new boundaries in film with immersive works, virtual and augmented reality, 360° films and media art in a completely new form. 

Take a step into DOK Neuland

DOK Industry

Our film branch networking programme is tailor-made for accredited trade visitors (filmmakers, XR creatives, producers, editors, decision makers and distributors). Each year we welcome around 1,600 accredited guests at DOK Leipzig. 

DOK Industry 2024 is currently looking for film and XR projects in diverse stages of development and production. Find out more about DOK Industry here

DOK 365

We also organize film screenings for our audience in Leipzig and in the region during the year and show festival hits from recent years at our monthly DOK Days. With our DOK Leipzig Summer Cinema, we are presenting film highlights in beautiful open-air cinemas across the city in July and August.

We love to follow the journey of our festival films! In our DOK 365 section you can find updates on their theatrical releases in Germany and see which DOK Leipzig films you can currently watch from the comfort of your home. 

DOK in Dialogue

In der Osthalle des Leipziger Hauptbahnhofs sitzen Menschen in Sitzreihen und schauen auf eine große Leinwand, die von der Decke hängt. Auf der Leinwand ein Baum in einer kargen Landschaft.
Film Screenings at the Main Station

Cinema for all at a very special Leipzig venue! Together with the PROMENADEN shopping centre at the central railway station, we show selected films from the programme free of charge during the festival. This popular format not only attracts hundreds of guests to the Osthalle each year, it’s also extremely popular with filmmakers. Our tip: Snuggling up under blanket with a thermos is rather cozy here.

Sechs Personen sitzen auf einer Bühne aus hellem Holz. Ein Mann in der Mitte spricht in ein Mikrofon, die anderen hören ihm zugewandt zu.

Perhaps a film hasn’t left your mind since the screening, or the discussion afterwards only piqued your curiosity further? For anyone that’s hungry for more, our talks unpack the latest developments in the industry, tell the stories of filmmaking greats, and explore national film cultures around the world. In our media library you can still dive into the recorded discussions of our most recent festival. 

Zwei jugendliche Zuschauer*innen klatschen im Kinosaal Applaus.
School Screenings

Bringing lessons out of the classroom and into the cinema, our school screenings use selected documentaries and animated films to complement and illustrate topics that students are learning about. Each screening is followed by an in-depth discussion with the filmmakers.

67th DOK Leipzig Festival
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