Contradiction of Emptiness

Filmstill Contradiction of Emptiness

Contradiction of Emptiness

Contradiction of Emptiness
Irina Rubina
International Competition Animated Film 2024
Animated Film
3 minutes

How brutal is it when your own language casts you out of your home because it has been turned into the language of crimes against other people? In her autobiographical animation, Irina Rubina analyses why Russian can no longer be the language of security for her and why German – historically riddled with guilt and therefore insecure – does not offer a new home yet. The stark factuality of the director as narrator is enormously unsettling because it describes the irreversibility of this emotional state precisely.
On the visual level, dark spots eat into idealised images of home, until the planes become deadlocked in abstraction. The pictures were created on a so-called pinscreen. Reliefs can be “painted” and animated by the pins’ shadows on this screen on which around 200,000 pins are arranged in lines. The alternation of light and shadow and their immediate proximity lend drastic expression to the inner turmoil and ambivalence.

André Eckardt

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Irina Rubina
Irina Rubina
Sound Design
Luis Schöffend
Irina Rubina
Nominated for: mephisto 97.6 Audience Award