Awards & Juries

- Maria Bonsanti, Italy
- Sylvaine Dampierre, France
- Mark Edwards, France
- Eric Hynes, USA
- Avi Mograbi, Israel/Portugal
Golden Dove Feature-Length Film
10,000 €
granted by Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
“La Jetée, the Fifth Shot”
Dominique Cabrera
Silver Dove Feature-Length Film
6,000 €
granted by 3sat for the best feature-length documentary film by an up-and-coming director (with up to three directorial works)
“Twice into Oblivion”
Pierre Michel Jean
(France, Haiti, Dominican Republic)
Golden Dove Short Film
3,000 €
“Being John Smith”
John Smith
Silver Dove Short Film
1,500 €
granted by the Independent Saxon State Media Agency (SLM) for the best short documentary film by an up-and-coming director (with up to three directorial works)
“What Goes Up”
Samar Al Summary
(Saudi Arabia, USA)
MDR is dedicated to the large-scale promotion of documentary film and has been sponsoring the Golden Dove in the International Competition Documentary Film, endowed with 10,000 Euros, since 2013.
3sat has been presenting independent documentary films in its programme and supporting their production since 1993. By granting an award for up-and-coming talents at DOK Leipzig is underlining its engagement for international young directors.
As a cooperation partner and award donor of DOK Leipzig, SLM particularly promotes young filmmakers as well as offers for the development of critical media competence for all age groups. It supports the DOK Masterclasses, the implementation of the XR exhibition DOK Neuland as well as the media literacy activities of DOK Spotters and DOK Education.

The winning films of the Golden Doves in the International Competition Documentary Film will qualify for consideration for the annual ACADEMY AWARDS® provided that the films otherwise comply with the Academy’s rules.
- Merlin Flügel, Germany
- Isabel Herguera, Spain/Germany
- Nosipho van den Bragt, South Africa
Golden Dove Feature-Length Film
3,000 €
“Pelikan Blue”
László Csáki
Special Mention:
“Memory Hotel”
Heinrich Sabl
Golden Dove Short Film
1,500 €
granted by the German Institute for Animated Film e. V.
“On Weary Wings Go By”
Anu-Laura Tuttelberg
(Estonia, Lithuania)
Founded in 1993, the DIAF preserves, researches and presents the heritage of German animated film. By sponsoring the Golden Dove Short Film in the International Competition Animated Film, it also honours international trends and innovations in this field.

The winning film of the Golden Dove Short Film in the International Competition Animated Film will qualify for consideration for the annual ACADEMY AWARDS® provided that the film otherwise complies with the Academy’s rules.
Die Jury
Andreas Kötzing, Deutschland
Sabine Rollberg, Deutschland
Marie Wilke, Deutschland
Goldene Taube
3.000 €
Silberne Taube
1.500 €
gestiftet von IG Metall Leipzig
- Tilman König, Germany/Japan
- Katrin Mundt, Germany
- Susanne Sachsse, Germany
Golden Dove Feature-length Film
10,000 €
donated by Doris Apell-Kölmel and Michael Kölmel
“Tarantism Revisited”
Anja Dreschke, Michaela Schäuble
(Germany, Switzerland)
- Linda Dombrowski, Germany
- Maria Gallo, Italy/Germany
- Sophie Görlipp, Germany
- Maria Weiße, Germany
- Anna Wulffert, Germany
Golden Dove
3,000 €
granted pro rata by Leipziger Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Filmkunst e. V.
"Once upon a Time in a Forest"
Virpi Suutari
Die Jury
Andreas Kötzing, Deutschland
Sabine Rollberg, Deutschland
Marie Wilke, Deutschland
4.000 €
gestiftet von der DEFA-Stiftung für einen herausragenden langen Dokumentarfilm einer*s deutschen Regisseur*in aus den Wettbewerben
The DEFA Foundation, in accordance with its statutory motto “Rediscover the Past – Support the Future”, has awarded the DEFA Sponsoring Prize at DOK Leipzig since 2005. The Prize is intended to support up-and-coming filmmakers in the critical investigation of contemporary issues.

Die Jury
Sylva Kleemann, Deutschland
Claritta Kratochwil, Deutschland
Paweł Łoziński, Polen
Anja Zhukova, Deutschland
3.000 €
für einen herausragenden osteuropäischen Dokumentarfilm
3,000 €
for an outstanding Eastern European documentary film
- Marianna Kaat, Estonia
- Thomas Beyer, Germany
- Sylva Kleemann, Germany
- Claritta Kratochwil, Germany
- Anja Zhukova, Germany
- Annett Meltschack, Germany
Since 1995, the MDR has sponsored the MDR Film Prize for an outstanding Eastern European documentary, endowed with 3,000 Euros. The developments in Eastern Europe are one of the major topics the broadcaster has been following for years.
Die Jury
Karin Becker, Deutschland
Jihane Bougrine, Marokko Morocco
Jacques Champeaux, Frankreich France
Nicola Galiner, Deutschland
Die Interreligiöse Jury wird berufen von INTERFILM und SIGNIS.
1.750 €
für einen Film im Internationalen Wettbewerb langer Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm, gemeinsam gespendet vom Interreligiösen Runden Tisch Leipzig, dem Oratorium zu Leipzig und den VCH-Hotels Deutschland GmbH – im Verband Christlicher Hoteliers e. V. einschließlich des Hotels MICHAELIS Leipzig
Prize of the Interreligious Jury
"Twice into Oblivion"
Pierre Michel Jean
(France, Haiti, Dominican Republic)
2,000 €
for a film in the International Competition Documentary Film, donated by the VCH-Hotel Michaelis in Leipzig as well as the Interreligious Round Table and the Oratorium Leipzig
The Interreligious Jury is appointed by INTERFILM and SIGNIS.
- Blandine Brunel, France
- Andreas Köhler-Andereggen, Switzerland
- Kadija Leclere, Belgium
- Gabriella Meros, Germany
2.000 €
gestiftet von der Leipziger Stadtbau AG, vergeben von der Jugendjury der Filmschule Leipzig e. V.
Die Jury
Martin Klindtworth, Deutschland
Carmen Salas Cárdenas, Peru
Milan Schnieder, Deutschland
1.500 €
für einen Film im Deutschen Wettbewerb langer Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm
2,000 €
for a film in the German Competition Documentary Film
- Julia Cruschwitz, Germany
- Gundula Lasch, Germany
Rüdiger Steinmetz, Germany
Prize of the International Film Critics (FIPRESCI Prize)
"Valentina and the MUOSters"
Francesca Scalisi
(Switzerland, Italy)
for a film in the International Competition Documentary Film
- Esther Buss, Germany
- Nino Kovačić, Croatia
- Shy K. Segev, Israel
Young Eyes Film Award
Clara Stella Hüneke
2,000 €
granted by Rahn Dittrich Group’s European Foundation for Education and Culture, awarded by the Youth Jury in cooperation with LFD – Fachstelle für Medien und Bildung
for the best short animated film
- Colin Schröder, Germany
- Victoria Schütze, Germany
- Moritz Willner, Germany
awarded by a jury of prisoners of the Juvenile Detention Centre Regis-Breitingen
"The Family Approach"
Daniel Abma
(Germany) for film culture in rural areas
in cooperation with Filmverband Sachsen e.V.
"The Family Approach"
Daniel Abma
The programme of the Filmverband Sachsen is committed to promoting film culture in
rural areas.
Thomas Erler, Germany
Juliane Renner, Germany
Barbara Wallbraun, Germany